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Your tour will be a 6-day progressive tour and will be as follows- Day 1- travel from Smithers to main lodge where you will spend the night. Day 2,3,4,5- will be four consecutive days trapping and traveling, each night stopping at a trapper’s cabin and the fifth night will have you arriving back at the main lodge. Day 6- Travel back to Smithers arriving 4:00pm. (It is recommended that clients arrive in Smithers the day prior to their tour and depart Smithers the day after they are returned)

Christmas dates are also available… bring your family and celebrate a Christmas like no other. Escape the hustle and bustle and enjoy your holiday in peace with your family, the way it was meant to be. Cut your own Christmas tree along the trail, set it up and decorate it and take Christmas day off and enjoy! This really is a unique experience and one the whole family will appreciate for years to come. The next day will be business as usual as there will be lots of ground to cover and traps to check.

Tour Rates

Tour Dates begin November 30th and end March 1st Prices are based on a 4-6-person occupancy and are $4,950 USD + GST per person. Each guest will be able to take home two species of fur that they themselves have harvested, this is included in the price. We also offer family rates, please contact us to discuss. Prices are all inclusive and cover everything except your accommodations in Smithers before and after your tour.

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